Harlan Crow Net Worth
⭐️ Harlan Crow ⭐️
💵 Net Worth
$ 2,000,000,000
🧬 Age 73
👫🏻 Gender Male
🌍 Country US
entrepreneur, businessperson, property developer⭐️ Harlan Crow is the Chairman and CEO of Crow Holdings, a family-owned investment company that manages various private equity and real estate funds.
⭐️ He is a major political donor, having contributed millions of dollars to Republican candidates and causes over the years.
⭐️ Crow is also a noted collector of rare books and manuscripts, and has donated many of these items to universities and museums around the country.
⭐️ He has been involved in various philanthropic endeavors, particularly in the areas of education and historic preservation. For example, he has donated millions of dollars to support the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
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Some Frequently Asked Questions.
The Networth of Harlan Crow is $ 2,000,000,000
Harlan Crow has $ 2,000,000,000 in assets