Naguib Sawiris Net Worth

naguib-sawiris net worth

⭐️ Naguib Sawiris ⭐️

💵 Net Worth
$ 3,100,000,000
🧬 Age 68
👫🏻 Gender Male
🌍 Country EGYPTIAN
business magnate

⭐️ Naguib Sawiris is an Egyptian billionaire businessman.

⭐️ He is the founder and former CEO of Orascom Telecom Media and Technology, now known as Orange Egypt and other Orange affiliates.

⭐️ Sawiris oversees businesses in telecoms, media, chemicals and fertilizers through his holding company, NNS Holdings.

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Some Frequently Asked Questions.

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The Networth of Naguib Sawiris is $ 3,100,000,000

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Naguib Sawiris has $ 3,100,000,000 in assets
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